Spiritual Direction




“It is easier to find guides, someone to tell you what to do, than someone to be with you in a discerning, prayerful companionship as you work it out yourself. This is what spiritual direction is.”

— Eugene Peterson

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
— Jesus, Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice within Christianity, involving a trained spiritual companion who accompanies individuals on their faith and spiritual journey. The spiritual director and the directee come together in a prayerful atmosphere, acknowledging that it is Holy Spirit who ultimately guides us and is the true director of our spiritual journey. For this reason, some spiritual directors prefer to use the term spiritual companion or, as Eugene Peterson says, prayerful companion. This ministry of holy listening involves asking thoughtful questions and offering clarifying statements to help seekers discern God's movement in their lives and the world around them.

It provides a confidential and sacred space for individuals to share experiences, doubts, and faith-related questions. The primary focus is nurturing a closer connection with God, deepening self-awareness, fostering spiritual growth, finding solace in God's present love, and discerning the next steps on the spiritual journey.

Spiritual direction can be pursued individually or in a group setting, and it is a valuable way to explore and strengthen one's faith while receiving personalized guidance and support along the spiritual path.

What is Spiritual Direction?


  • In a spiritual direction session, you and I will come together in a sacred and confidential space. Typically we will begin the session with a reading of Scripture to focus our heart, a centering prayer to calm our mind, and a time of silence to receive what Holy Spirit might present us. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences, doubts, questions, and desires related to your faith and spiritual journey. I will attentively listen to you, holding space for safe and honest exploration. I might ask questions or make clarifying reflections based on what you share. Together, we will engage in dialogue that seeks to discern the promptings of Holy Spirit and gain insight into your spiritual path. We may also occasionally pause for silence or prayer. We will conclude with a summary of our time together, followed by a closing prayer.

    The duration of the session is typically about an hour long. Each session is unique, tailored to your specific needs and spiritual aspirations. The intention is to nurture within you a flourishing relationship with God and help you discern how God is working in you, for you, and with you.

  • There are various approaches to spiritual direction, allowing for multiple paths to becoming a spiritual director.

    In my own journey, I pursued a Master of Divinity degree at Lipscomb University, where I received spiritual direction and felt a calling to explore this practice further. I completed a two-year spiritual direction training program through Lipscomb University's Institute for Christian Spirituality. Following the training, I became a certified member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association. Since then, I have dedicated myself to further developing my private practice as a spiritual director, focusing on Ignatian spirituality as the foundation of my approach to spiritual direction. This ongoing journey has allowed me to deepen my understanding and embodiment of this transformative practice.

  • Seeking spiritual direction is not limited to those who identify as dedicated Christians. It is a valuable practice for individuals in various faith journeys and spiritual explorations. Whether you are uncertain about your beliefs, experiencing significant changes in your faith, undergoing a process of deconstruction or reconstruction, or follow a different faith tradition altogether, engaging in spiritual direction can provide a meaningful space to explore and deepen your spirituality.

    Regardless of your beliefs, it is important to be aware that my practice as a spiritual director is rooted in the Christian faith tradition. This foundation will shape our time together, and understanding this influence is essential. However, please know that the spiritual direction experience is not about conversion or imposing specific beliefs. Instead, it aims to foster an environment of openness, mutual respect, and genuine dialogue, allowing for a fruitful and enriching exploration of your spirituality, irrespective of your personal beliefs or background.

  • Christian spiritual direction and counseling/therapy share some similarities but also have distinct differences:

    1.) Focus and Goal: Christian spiritual direction primarily focuses on the individual's spiritual journey, exploring their relationship with God, deepening their faith, and discerning God's presence and guidance in their life. The goal is to foster spiritual growth, alignment with God's will, and a sense of purpose and meaning in the context of faith.

    In contrast, counseling and therapy primarily focus on addressing psychological and emotional issues, improving mental well-being, and promoting overall psychological health. The goal is often to alleviate distress, resolve conflicts, develop coping strategies, and promote personal growth and healing.

    2.) Approach and Methods: Christian spiritual direction emphasizes listening to Holy Spirit and discerning God's movement in one's life. It involves deep listening, reflective questioning, prayer, and exploration of scripture and spiritual practices. The spiritual director serves as a companion and guide, facilitating the directee's spiritual exploration and growth.

    Counseling and therapy draw on various psychological theories, methodologies, and evidence-based practices. Therapists employ assessments, diagnosis, treatment planning, and specific therapeutic techniques to address psychological challenges and promote psychological well-being. The therapeutic relationship is typically characterized by a professional-client dynamic.

    3.) Scope and Integration: Christian spiritual direction encompasses the whole person, including their spiritual, emotional, and relational aspects, within the context of faith. It seeks to integrate spiritual insights and practices into everyday life, relationships, and decision-making.

    Counseling and therapy typically focus on specific psychological issues or areas of concern, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, or relational difficulties. The emphasis is on addressing and resolving these issues using psychological theories and interventions.

    While there can be overlap between spiritual direction and counseling/therapy, their primary focus, methods, and goals differ. Christian spiritual direction offers a space for individuals to explore and deepen their spirituality within a faith context, while counseling/therapy primarily addresses psychological and emotional well-being. Each of these practices is valuable to an individual for different reasons, and it is possible to engage in both spiritual direction and counseling/therapy simultaneously, as they can complement and support each other in a person's overall well-being and spiritual growth.

  • Spiritual direction and discipleship share a focus on spiritual growth and the deepening of one's relationship with God. However, there are some key differences between the two:

    1.) Relationship Dynamics: In spiritual direction, the relationship is characterized by a spiritual director and a directee (or seeker). The spiritual director serves as a companion and guide, creating a safe and supportive space for the directee to explore their spiritual journey, deepening their connection with the divine, and discerning God's presence and guidance. The focus is on deep listening, discernment, and facilitating the directee's personal connection with God.

    In discipleship, there is often a mentor-disciple relationship, where a more experienced believer (the mentor) guides and teaches a less experienced believer (the disciple). The mentor provides instruction, guidance, and accountability, with the aim of helping the disciple grow in their knowledge and understanding of the faith and live out Christian teachings.

    2.) Goal and Focus: Spiritual direction primarily aims to support the directee's overall spiritual growth, relationship with God, and discernment of God's presence and guidance in their life. It involves exploring the directee's experiences, emotions, and desires in the context of their faith journey. The spiritual director assists the directee in deepening their connection with the divine and aligning their life with God's will.

    Discipleship, on the other hand, focuses on teaching and guiding the disciple in their knowledge, understanding, and application of Christian teachings and principles. It often involves structured learning, study of scripture, and specific areas of focus, such as theology, doctrine, or practical aspects of Christian living. The goal is to nurture disciples who actively live out their faith and embody Christ-like qualities.

    3.) Emphasis on Listening and Discernment: Spiritual direction places a strong emphasis on deep listening, reflective questioning, and discernment of the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The spiritual director creates a space for the directee to explore their experiences, emotions, and thoughts related to their spirituality. The goal is to help the directee listen to and discern the movements of God in their life.

    While discipleship may involve elements of listening and discernment, it typically places more emphasis on instruction, teaching, and guidance from the mentor to the disciple.

    In summary, spiritual direction focuses on the individual's spiritual growth, deepening their connection with God, and discerning God's presence and guidance. Discipleship, on the other hand, emphasizes teaching, guidance, and helping the disciple grow in their knowledge and application of Christian teachings. Both practices play valuable roles in nurturing and supporting individuals in their spiritual journeys, with spiritual direction emphasizing listening and discernment as the primary approach.

  • Typically, spiritual direction sessions are scheduled on a monthly basis. This interval allows for reflection, integration, and the discernment process to unfold naturally between sessions. However, I understand that each individual's spiritual journey is unique, and there may be times when more frequent sessions are beneficial. If you find yourself in a season where you require additional discernment and support, we can arrange to meet more frequently to accommodate your needs.

    Conversely, if you feel that meeting once a month is not necessary or optimal for your current circumstances, we can be flexible and arrange sessions less frequently. The intention is to create a rhythm of spiritual companionship that aligns with your specific needs and preferences. Together, we can find a meeting frequency that best supports your spiritual growth and journey.

  • I offer spiritual direction sessions at a rate of $75 per session. However, I understand that cost can be a barrier for some individuals. If affordability is an issue, I am open to discussing a sliding scale arrangement that can better accommodate your financial circumstances. My aim is to make spiritual direction accessible and supportive for anyone seeking guidance on their spiritual journey. Please feel free to let me know if you have any specific concerns or requirements regarding pricing, and we can work together to find a suitable arrangement.

  • Confidentiality is a fundamental principle of our spiritual direction sessions, and I want to assure you that your privacy will be respected at all times. When we begin our spiritual direction relationship, we will establish a covenant that includes a promise of confidentiality. This covenant serves as a mutual agreement between us, highlighting our commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of our discussions.

    It is important to note that any information you share during our sessions will remain strictly confidential, unless you provide explicit permission for me to disclose specific details to others. Your trust is of utmost importance to me, and I will honor your desire for privacy and confidentiality.

    However, it is crucial to understand that there are legal and ethical limitations to confidentiality. If I have reason to believe that you pose an imminent danger to yourself or others, and breaking confidentiality is necessary to address the situation, I have a responsibility to take appropriate action to ensure safety. Additionally, if there is suspicion of child, elder, or dependent adult abuse, I am legally mandated to report such concerns to the appropriate authorities.

    Please be assured that I will handle any necessary breach of confidentiality with great care and sensitivity. I am committed to creating a safe and confidential space where you can freely explore your spiritual journey and experiences, while also ensuring the well-being of all individuals involved.

Let’s Talk About What God Is Doing

  • 1:1 Spiritual Direction

    One-on-one spiritual direction is for those longing for a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey and a confidential space to explore their faith.

    During our time together, you will be guided on a personal and transformative exploration of your relationship with God. In this sacred space, you will have the undivided attention of a prayerful companion who will listen attentively and help you discern the movement of Holy Spirit in your life. Together we will dive into self-reflection and prayer to find rest in God’s loving presence. In this space we will make room for God to nurture your soul, give clarity, and draw you closer to the divine presence of God.

    Contact me to schedule an exploratory session.

  • Group Spiritual Direction

    Spiritual direction can be a transformative experience for a community of like-minded individuals on a communal spiritual journey. The practice of group spiritual direction is ideal for church groups, nonprofit leaders, or a group of spiritual friends.

    In group direction, you will find meaningful conversations, mutual support, and shared exploration. You will be provided with a safe and nurturing space, you will engage in authentic dialogue, heartfelt prayer, and reflective expertises that will deepen your spiritual awareness and provide fresh insights. Experience the power of shared wisdom as you listen and are listened to, discovering the divine presence in your own life and the stories of others. Embrace the transformative potential of community as you embark on a journey of spiritual growth and connection.

  • Retreats

    Spiritual direction retreats are for individuals or groups who are seeking a respite from the busyness of life and to reconnect with the innermost self and deepen spiritual connections.

    Spiritual direction retreats offer a sanctuary for reflection, rejuvenation, and renewal. Through a carefully curated program of guided meditations, contemplative practices, sacred rituals, and thoughtful teachings, you will be guided toward a deeper encounter with God. Whether you are seeking inner healing, looking for clarity, or simply yearning for a deeper connection to God’s presence, a spiritual direction retreat can be customized to meet your personal or group’s needs.

A little Bit About Me

I am a spiritual director based in Searcy, Arkansas, where I reside with my wife and two beloved dogs. My spiritual direction practice extends both locally and remotely, allowing me to serve individuals from various locations. Prior to my work as a spiritual director, I dedicated several years to student ministry, which has greatly influenced my approach to accompanying others on their spiritual journeys.

It is a profound honor and source of joy to have the opportunity to join Jesus everyday as he leads others to know him more. I am passionate about utilizing the knowledge and insights I have gained, as well as the ongoing lessons I continue to learn, to bridge the gap between everyday life and a richer theology. My purpose is to support and guide others in discovering a flourishing life with God.

When I am not working, I cherish moments of travel with my wife, immersing ourselves in new experiences and exploring the wonders of the world. Additionally, I find solace and inspiration in the beauty of nature while adventuring outdoors with my faithful canine companions. Nourishing my mind with the wisdom of old books, savoring the delights of coffee, and relishing in the pleasures of good food are also among the simple joys that bring me contentment.

If you seek to delve deeper into the profound love of God, let's embark on this soulful journey together. As your spiritual companion, I'm here to guide, support, and walk alongside you as we explore the boundless grace and wisdom that awaits. Let's uncover the beauty of God's love and discover the extraordinary depths of your soul.